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Our roach chow is packed with nutrients, vitamins and other essentials that not only the roaches need for healthy growth and reproduction but also will provide a feeder that will be nutritious for reptiles, amphibians or other insectivores. No fillers, fish flakes, cat food, dog food or any other funny business. 

This plastic feeding bowl is perfect to allow the dubia to have easy access to their favorite veggies, fruits, water gels or roach chow and also helps keep their enclosure cleaner. 

(colors may vary depending on availability)

  • Provides hydration for your roaches, crickets or any other feeder insects. 

  • Prevents insects from drowning and keeps habitat clean.

  • Remove dried or brown gel and refill as needed.

Keep your buddies warm during their voyage. 

A little warm outside? Keep 'em cool

during their journey. Bon Voyage!

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